It’s hard to believe my time in St. Petersburg is almost done. I have missed everyone back home, but it is going to be so hard to say “Goodbye” this week. So many special people have helped to make this trip a memorable one. Of course, I couldn’t have done any of God’s work without the help of two great translators – Lucya and Anya. I have known them both for over four years, and feel that they are two of my daughters. We talk to each other like mother/daughter, and share many thoughts with each other. I will truly miss them, and the light that they have been in my life these past weeks.

Anya has been offered an internship with the Childrens’ Ministry at Second Baptist Church in Humble, Texas, and we will have more information on that in the next few weeks. Pray that she will see God’s will for her life, as she seeks His guidance in this decision as to whether or not to live in the US for the summer. (Photo: Me, Liza, and Anya at Child in Danger)
Lucya (pictured with Roustik from Child in Danger) is beginning her own ministry, separate from Road of Life. It has been a hard decision to make, but circumstance

s that were ordained by God have made it easier for her to see His will in many things that have happened over the last few months. As she has spent many hours in Bible study and prayer, God has shown her His great plan for her. She will begin to do work searching for the children to become a part of the transition/family home ministries that are available here. She has so many wonderful contacts and God is opening so many doors that will allow her to see those young people who are in need, and hopefully have a home to place them in. She will be working closely with both Road of Life, based here in St. Petersburg, and also with Reflections of Hope, the ministry that sponsors Gary and Pam Austutz out of Ohio. It is her prayer that God will continue to place the desire in the hearts of Americans to help sponsor more of these homes, so that we can help to save many of the young people who are disappearing each year.
Meisha, who will graduate from ROL this May, shared in his testimony this past weekend how when he graduated from the orphanage and was offered a place at ROL, he declined, because he wanted to live in the dormitory with his friends. But over the next year, as he watched more and more of them simply disappear, never to be heard from again, he realized that suddenly he was alone more and more, and he sought out the safety and hope that was available through ROL. Please pray for the counselors, sponsors, and residents, as well as the transition and family home ministries, that God will continue to provide for more living quarters for them, and for more counselors to come to help teach them how to be productive, Christian men and women.
From Russia with Love,
1 comment:
Enjoy your week there...tell them see you later not goodbye...sometimes it's easier!!
Can't wait to be able to see Anya here again. Who knows she might be here when we are there! YIKESADOODLE!
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