Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Meet the Gang!

Anyone who has been on a mission trip with SAC since the fall of 2005 is probably acquainted with Lucya (and I shared some about her in an earlier blog). Well, this is the Lucya that most people know and remember:

But this is Lucya on too much chocolate on April Fools' Day (not a good combination!):

I am currently staying at the Road of Life Family Home at the Electrocila metro station (that's not really true since it is a 20 minute tram ride from the metro to our home, but it's the best way to tell someone where we are!). The family counselor here is Lena, a native of Belaruse who came a few months ago to help out with translation for ROL. It has really been a joy getting to know her and little bit about her country.

This is Lena with Katya, one of the teens from Child in Danger shelter.

Also in our apartment are two young women. Ira will graduate from ROL this May and will then go to live with another of our graduates. She is quite active with school, church, and her friends, and loves to talk! This picture was taken Saturday, March 15 at the Christian Ball that was sponsored by one of the churches.

Also in our home is Yulia. She has been a resident for less than one year and came to us from Dormitory #35 where she had been classified as disabled - meaning the teachers thought she was uneducable, and she also has a speech problem and some physical problems. She is a very loving child with some special needs, and has had a hard time adjusting to Lucya's leaving the home. But like most young people, she is resilient and we pray for God's blessings for her.

Yulia is on the left, along with Natasha from Dormitory #35.
I'll introduce you to more of our "family" tomorrow.
Keep us in your prayers!

1 comment:

The Herd said...

nice to meet all of you!
